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La recherche a retourné 16 résultats

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Update - AI improvement & Bug Fixes

18 Juil 2017, 15:23 [EN] Hi everyone, We've just released a patch that improve AI behaviour in Pro Cycling Manager 2017, as well as various fixes and improvements. We continue to collect your feedback on issues with PCM17. Thank you for your help in...

Re: Problème patch PS4

06 Juil 2017, 16:32

Hugoloum21 a écrit:Comme je n'avais pas instalé la MAJ 1.03 cela ne va pas poser de problème si j'intalle la 1.04 ?

Aucun soucis dans ce cas de figure, vous pouvez télécharger la dernière mise à jour sereinement.

Update - 4K Support

06 Juil 2017, 16:13

EN Hi everyone, We've just released a patch that implements 4K support in Pro Cycling Manager 2017, as well as various fixes and improvements. We continue to collect your feedback on issues with PCM17. Thank you for your help in making this game the best cycling manager it can be! Graphics ⋅&n...

Re: Problème patch PS4

06 Juil 2017, 15:52

Petite question car je m'inquiète un peu : Pour ceux qui comme moi ont fait la mise à jour et ont déjà procédé aux corrections dans leur base manuellement, Est-ce que la correction va provoquer des problèmes supplémentaires ? D'avance merci pour votre réponse. Si vous avez modifié toute la DB, l'up...

Re: Problème patch PS4

06 Juil 2017, 15:30

Bonjour, nous avons mis à jour Tour de France 17 sur PS4 pour corriger le problème de base de donnée introduit lors du dernier patch.

Vos sauvegardes devraient automatiquement être corrigées. N'hésitez pas à nous signaler tout problème pour que nous puissions vous aider.

L'update est en cours.

Update 3 and Race Calendar Issue Fix

29 Juin 2017, 17:20

Hello all, We've also just released a patch that handles the race calendar issue that was mentioned in the previous update. Players will now no longer be forced to participate in races that their rider is not scheduled for. This patch also enables various other tweaks and fixes in PCM 17. We continu...

Beta Branch Available

28 Juin 2017, 19:05

Hi everyone, We are currently doing our best to fix the remaining crashes and blocking issues you may encounter. We're currently doing our best to release a new update fixing the issues you reported since release, although it's not as fast as we'd want, due to the testing required before each patch....

How to Report Crash

26 Juin 2017, 15:51

Hello riders, We've been hard at work addressing issues in Pro Cycling Manager since release, but we're well aware that there's still a little ways to go. We're working hard on fixing as many of these issues as possible, but to do so, we need your help! To help us track down the origins of a crash, ...

Official Tour de France 2017 Video Games Announced!

27 Avr 2017, 13:10

The official Tour de France 2017 video games will release in June on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC! Play as the greatest champions and live an exciting Tour de France 2017 on consoles, or become a sports manager on PC, and lead your favorite pro team to victory. ------------------------------------...

PCM 2012 Multiplayer Server

21 Mars 2017, 19:27

Hello everyone, The Pro Cycling Manager 2012 multiplayer servers will soon be turned off, as we have witnessed a steady decline in the number of its active players. This decline no longer justifies the maintenance costs associated with these services, but you will still be able to play the game offl...

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