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TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Console Staff

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  • Messages: 109
  • Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2009, 22:13
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: Mikeeboy

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message17 Mai 2014, 22:44

It is a matter of opinion if you think that 1/5 scale was a step backwards. I'm all for realism, but that's realism of the way a race unfolds and the outcome. If the AI is as good as it should be then the scale of the game shouldn't matter. Reducing the game to 1/5 made riding the stage more interesting. Sure the AI for flat stages wasn't up to the mark, and intermediate sprints were a bit of a joke, but mountain stages played out well.

Also Cavendish could not win TDF 2013 IF you played all the stages, which presumably you were if you're looking for simulation. I


  • Messages: 102
  • Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2013, 23:57
  • Localisation: Spain

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message18 Mai 2014, 13:34

Thus winning a Tour with Cavendish is a figure of speech to say that AI TDF13 was very poor, flat stages you earn sneaking your only since for over 100km for example, no one fights the green jersey and the polka inter alia nor victories flat stages . Only there to do this to realize that AI is more of an arcade simulation game that does not make sense any place in the cycling of your six runners in the top of the general classification :? .

On the other hand the 1/5 scale makes the sprints , mountain and time trial stages elapse of a very accelerated manner , wasting a lot of realism to the game. Ports of hard mountain upload you could take about 30/45 minutes at 1/ 2 and being one of the parts where the game more enjoyable, do not transmit that hardness in about 10 minutes or less and what you 've uploaded. This should be a game and not a cycling Cycling Moto- GP as TDF13 where cyclists cornering skid ramps up 10% , in my opnion no sense.


  • Messages: 111
  • Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2012, 15:10

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message18 Mai 2014, 14:25

mikeeboy a écrit:It is a matter of opinion if you think that 1/5 scale was a step backwards. I'm all for realism, but that's realism of the way a race unfolds and the outcome. If the AI is as good as it should be then the scale of the game shouldn't matter. Reducing the game to 1/5 made riding the stage more interesting. Sure the AI for flat stages wasn't up to the mark, and intermediate sprints were a bit of a joke, but mountain stages played out well.

Also Cavendish could not win TDF 2013 IF you played all the stages, which presumably you were if you're looking for simulation. I


The 1 /5 Scale is HORRIBLE... ! It forces us to brake the bicycle climbing in Alpe D' Huez , (for example), for not get out at every turn of the road... :oops: : - ?
The 1/5 Scale makes it go climbing Alpe D' Huez in "5 minutes ... " NO FEELINGS OF EPIC HARDNESS OF CYCLING ... ! :-(
The 1/5 Scale, makes the final kilometer banner and Meta banner, are almost together ... This makes that the team comm NOT can give orders in the last 10 kilometers , because everything happens so fast that we neglect the rest of our riders and We can not control them his group positions ... :x

Furthermore, if the AI is as bad as TDF2013 , play only one month of buying it... because finished DESPERATE and BORED ...

Cyanide waste time with the landscapes of the UK, (houses, balconies , cows , cars, etc. . ) , that we can not see because us are concentrated in the race ...Then the Cyanide team “not have time " to fix the really IMPORTANT...

For example :

Why in the downhills , Cyanide permits you can brake the bike easily, only opening the Team Comm ... This will also happen playing online ... ? :-(
Why all cyclists are the same ... Why Pozzovivo is like Voigt... ?
Why does everyone have the same Lazer helmet... ) ?
Why no numbers in the rider dorsal ?
Why no jerseys National Champion and World Champion ... ?
Why not there are a simple maillot editor for us fix de BMC team (like Belking and FDJ in the last TDF, for example...) :-(

The Cyanide guys have a lot of options that fixed, but they keep turning on itself and ther are DOSING THE IMPROVEMENTS , neglecting our opinion...

If they not respect the cycling fans opinion (his "faithful" and future buyers...) , They WILL NOT HAVE OUR MONEY... ! (it´s so simple...)
But appears that Cyanide Team, only think in the Casual users, (which will not be there every year...) :roll:

Greetings !
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Cyanide Team

  • Messages: 954
  • Inscrit le: 13 Juin 2012, 09:46

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message19 Mai 2014, 11:20

As I said, the problem is due to DVD's capacity storage, not Blu-Ray's one. We won't add specific races only for PS3/PS4 or digital markets.

Motors, cars or numbers are not implemented due to PS3/360's performances. Even if we think that it will improve immersion, our main objective is to display the whole peloton (which will be the case on PS4). Technically speaking, if it was so easy, we would have already added those elements since PCM displays them.

We totally respect your opinion about the game and we are aware about the pros and cons of 1/5 scale. Nonetheless, there is also a lot of players who were complaining about sections and the fact that parties were too long and boring with 1/2 scale. I bet that if we had continue to make TDF 13 with 1/2 scale, there would not have been a TDF 14 game.

About the AI, we worked on it. It's quite difficult to tell you precisely what we've changed since problems were coming from the way AI riders managed their energy and the way they were downhilling.

We changed the way the AI react when the player or his team members wear the yellow jersey : when you have the yellow jersey, it was easy to send a teammate in escape and win the stage and take the yellow jersey because he was never asked to work and the yellow jersey doesn't work either if the escaped teammate is the rider with the best time classification in the escape. Now the escaped teammate is asked to work if he is the rider with the best time classification in the escape.

We readjusted the way intermediary sprints are competed so that the battle is fiercer for the green jersey.

We added a new behavior on mountain stages. Some teams that don't aim the yellow jersey won't let go the morning breakaway till they don't have a good rider in the first group.


  • Messages: 170
  • Inscrit le: 03 Sep 2012, 16:40

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message19 Mai 2014, 14:10

J'ai pas bien compris "We won't add specific races only for PS3/PS4 or digital markets." ?...
il n'y aura sue le Tour dans le jeu de base ? pas de Paris-Nice, ou Dauphiné, ou Critérium intégré directement dans le jeu à sa sortie ? Et pas de courses supplémentaires en DLC comme les précédentes années ?


  • Messages: 111
  • Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2012, 15:10

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message19 Mai 2014, 14:40

Thanks for answering our "reviews " Patatrasse ... ( we do to try rowing in the same direction and together achieve great game ... ) ;-)

Then for "space problems " in the DVD's (exclusive Xbox problem ) , would it be advisable to take TDF for Xbox, only in digital format ... ?

Regarding the scale ... I don´t know where you do surveys , but in the forums where I participate every day, you will be surprised to know how many users (more than 80 % ... ) , wanted a better feel on the scale ( ¼ scale perhaps ... ) We are many users who have purchased TDF2011 , TDF2012 and TDF2013 and were disgusted and disappointed with the accelerated scale 1/5 and the crazy that produces bad feelings ... for example:
. Bumping into the corners on curves and bounced out without falling down ...
. Meta Sprints to over 1,200 meters ...
. Climb Alpe D ' Huez in "5 minutes" , and afraid to slide and get out at every bend in the road ...
. A slowdown or error in CRI (like putting our foot down a little seconds in the road) , we penalize more than double the time in criminalized that the ½ scale
. etc.etc .

It just seems right scale fifth in CRI and CRE , because it keeps a good feeling ...

We expect this year to recover the good feelings like TDF2012 , at least one intermediate stop ¼, that keeps us motorcycling experienced last year and a little closer to the great cycling TDF2012 lived in ... But I see that you do not want to leave Writing that you have planned and designed , though we complain bitterly ...

I hope you get many sales in this year, but I have serious doubts whether it's worth fanciest another 50€ in another arcade Moto- cycling ... not spare my money, so maybe invest my money in other sports simulator as nba2k , PES, F1, etc ... that convey me fun and good feelings ...

I think that you are missing a great opportunity to be a leader every year between the best sports simulators such as Top Spin, Fight Night Champion , F1, nba2k , etc ... :cry:

I think another year , I will continue enjoying the best simulator out there for consoles CYCLING ...The GREAT TDF2012 ... ! TFD2013 has revalued to TDF2012 (TDF2012 now is GOLDEN in our collection...) :oops: :|

Thanks for your effort needs and excuse me my frankness, but i transmit to you the feeling the big community what many fans felt to playing at the last TDF2013…

Greetings !


  • Messages: 102
  • Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2013, 23:57
  • Localisation: Spain

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message19 Mai 2014, 16:18

I totally agree with everything you said Layo on TDF , I think exactly like . For my part I will not extend more with my opinions about the game because I 've been a big disappointment, I'm already bored of writing the same thing and I see that I lose time because no case does absolutely what I write.

After knowing that the scale 1/5 will be present again in the TDF14 and I do not need to know anything more about the game, it saddens me to stay without a good set of cycling all year , but also because I will not be fanciest of new year another 50 euros on a game that I will not use because I do not like his way of reflecting Arcade this beautiful sport.

Finally comment that I find it curious that a disc does not have enough capacity when Ps4 games bought in the store weigh around 30Gb , so I left a little bewildered this situation.

For my part I have nothing more to say, I apologize if I upset my comments but the disappointment that I have is huge after knowing that I will have to do without TDF14 have certainly worked hard all year to make the game , but I think in my review their characteristics are not worth it to spend my money on other sport and if Ps4 simulators


  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 19 Mai 2014, 16:58

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message19 Mai 2014, 17:14

I agree with people who think the 1/5 scale sucks.
Not a scale 1/3 or 1/4 was possible?.
As the scale is 1/5, the fourth stage of the Tour de France with cobbled sections, these sections will cross within 5 seconds? is this a joke?. :(
Above, I guess there will be no online? and that there will be DLCs that will pay?
Cyanide should go up because it is too free DLCs that people pay 50 euros for a low minimum game with only 21 stages and top with 1/5 scale ...


  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 19 Mai 2014, 17:02

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message19 Mai 2014, 17:37

I totally agree with the comments of Layo and Carlos2santos. The 1/5 scale doesn't reflect the true cycling. The last year, with this scale, you climb the climbs like Alpe D ' Huez i 5 minutes, and you can´t enjoy with this sensations. Sincerely, i thought, that you could change this aspect this year, at least yo 1/4 scale. You said that the scale 1/2 is very complicated because not everyone like this scale,but there are a lot of people who neither like the scale 1/5, and with s 1/4 or 1/3 scale, maybe you could satisfy both parts. Furthermore, the differents between ps3 and ps3 are practically nonexistent, only that you can see all the peloton, something that should be in both plataforms. For this, in thint that if you do not hear the public who could buy the game, i don´t see the reason to buy the game, because i don´t understand why in the past, you changed the scale from 1/2 to 1/5, and now, you do not change to satisfy both parts with an intermediate scale, so good luck this year, but i don´t buy the game. I hope that you will hear ALL the public for the 2015 game.



  • Messages: 111
  • Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2012, 15:10

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message19 Mai 2014, 20:48

I think that an 1/4 scale would give a good balance and gameplay sensations, for all players ...

It would be great news, that Cyanide guys you leave your predetermined script, and "from today", are working on an update to TDF2014 (via digital download "to does not occupy more space on DVD's"), to have the game at 1/4 Scale ...
Thus, the players that installed this update, will play in the 1/4 scale ... and those who prefer the 1/5 scale not install this update, and everyone was happy ... I think it would be a good choice for RETRIEVE users disappointed with the 1/5 scale of TDF2013... :idea:


( " What cost Consider the users feedbacks that We take the hassles to write last year... ") :?:


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