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TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Console Staff

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  • Messages: 102
  • Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2013, 23:57
  • Localisation: Spain

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message20 Mai 2014, 16:38

What I do not understand is why you only find it if only to users who supposedly make long stages to them if they are listening. But what about us who long for the scale 1/2, we want to raise the ports more resembled a cycling way of truth and not of such rapid and unrealistic way, if our money to pay the game is worth Unless other users not to make case to our requests, I honestly do not understand and I find incomprehensible Starring Cyanide by the franchise.

Also I find it funny that the users are asked the very long stages, they want then this is not a game of motor sport as Formula 1 or Moto GP, this has to be a game that cycling has to communicate to the user that exactly cycling. Cycling is so, mountain passes eternal in which you suffer a lot and it seems that it does not come the final lap races that are going to limit the threshold of pain for more than half an hour, these aspects are biking truth and course eg climbing the Alpe D'Huez in five minutes to get this far convey those feelings that comment.

This year I've made up my mind that it passeth without TDF for my console, because I love cycling and I would like to play in my Ps4, but this does not mean that you will buy the kind of game are we offer now because I do not like at all. I am sorry this situation to stay this year but no game is so. Time to reflect and hopefully to offer a pure cycling TDF15 really not this arcade, then there if I'll buy bet on TDF, otherwise I'll do it I'll do this year.


  • Messages: 111
  • Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2012, 15:10

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message20 Mai 2014, 18:56

It is incomprehensible that Cyainide listen at users who complain about the length of the stages ... this is CYCLING, is not motorcycling ...!
"Just missing that Cyanide implement the R2 button to accelerate the bicycle... then TDF be 100% MotoGP ..." :roll: xD

This is as absurd as a user purchased a chess game, and complain that the match in this chess game, are long and difficult ... Or that users of Fight Night Champions, complain of the fighting boxing game are long ... Or Top Spin users complain of the length of a Grand Slam ... ??? :?

When a player pay 50€ in a sports simulator, ¡ want ENJOY ... ! NOT to play with hurry ... It would be absurd ... :oops:

In addition, there are checkpoints in most games, to save or load games, and continue another day ... As with The Last of Us, Resident Evil, Uncharted, etc.etc.etc.

This year, I expected a reaction from Cyanide with respect to at least reduce the scale (perhaps 1/4 scale), but I see that you have ignored their own customers... It's really unfortunate because with a 1/4 scale, the casual users would not detected changes in the gameplay ... and the "Pro Players" sure that appreciate the scale reduction to regain balance and good feelings simulation... :cry:

So this year I have lost my trust in them and I will not buy TDF2014 ("TDF2013 2.0"), until take out an update that gives best playable sensations that the ruinous 1/5 scale... (or perhaps when it falls to 15 € ) :| :cry:
I think most users will not take the bait for the second consecutive year, with a game that in no way represents the feelings of cycling ...

I am very disappointed because I was looking forward more organization in the planning of the new Cyanide TDF2014 ... They have confused their priorities order... :-(


  • Messages: 39
  • Inscrit le: 07 Août 2012, 19:08

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message22 Mai 2014, 13:26

Hello Palatrasse.

It's been a while since I last wrote here, but I feel I should now :)

Patatrasse a écrit:We totally respect your opinion about the game and we are aware about the pros and cons of 1/5 scale. Nonetheless, there is also a lot of players who were complaining about sections and the fact that parties were too long and boring with 1/2 scale. I bet that if we had continue to make TDF 13 with 1/2 scale, there would not have been a TDF 14 game.

Can you please elaborate this? Can you give some numbers (sales) comparing TDF12 with TDF13?

I can understand the average player prefers removing sections to reducing the scale, and probably no one wants to invest three hours every 1/2 stage :).

The point is this 1/2 scale worked so nicely (in my opinion) for mountain stages that I just forgave every other lack and/or problem the game had. Of course an entire stage is preferable, but this feeling, this suffering, when everything is slowly happening, but the energy consumption... it was magical, and you did it!

If entire stages are now mandatory (and I like it), I hope one day you are able to include the possibility of changing the scale/velocity live, because those climbs where just legendary :D. Until then, I will just remember how nice TDF2012 was (I sold my X360).

Nice to read about AI improvements, anyway.

And just an advice... please, PLEASE, when you present new screenshots, please group them by platform, CLEARLY stating which one corresponds to PC (PCM), X360, PS3 and PS4. It is so misleading...



  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 22 Mai 2014, 13:20

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message22 Mai 2014, 13:40

1/5 scale again??? Why do not you listen your customers????

Most of us don´t want the terrible scale of 1/5 that people said in previous messages is MOTO-CYCLING.
We want cycling and unfortunately for that exists TDF 2012 (1/2) because you don´t want to reduce the scale at least to 1/4.
From my point of view, I really dissapointed and is for this reason that I am not going to purchase this game.
At least, I expect that all these messages would serve you to reorient the game and obviosly to restablish the scale 1/2 or at least 1/3 or 1/4 in the worst of the cases.
I am studying that a good company should listen their customers. Thus is a key factor of success and with the strategy that you are carrying out consisting on don´t pay attention that your customers say, you only get the loss of confidence of many customers like me.

Specially I expect that this message serve in the future when you are going to work on TDF 2015.

Best regards!


  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 22 Mai 2014, 13:20

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message22 Mai 2014, 13:48

melata a écrit:Hello Palatrasse.

It's been a while since I last wrote here, but I feel I should now :)

Patatrasse a écrit:We totally respect your opinion about the game and we are aware about the pros and cons of 1/5 scale. Nonetheless, there is also a lot of players who were complaining about sections and the fact that parties were too long and boring with 1/2 scale. I bet that if we had continue to make TDF 13 with 1/2 scale, there would not have been a TDF 14 game.

Can you please elaborate this? Can you give some numbers (sales) comparing TDF12 with TDF13?

I can understand the average player prefers removing sections to reducing the scale, and probably no one wants to invest three hours every 1/2 stage :).

The point is this 1/2 scale worked so nicely (in my opinion) for mountain stages that I just forgave every other lack and/or problem the game had. Of course an entire stage is preferable, but this feeling, this suffering, when everything is slowly happening, but the energy consumption... it was magical, and you did it!

If entire stages are now mandatory (and I like it), I hope one day you are able to include the possibility of changing the scale/velocity live, because those climbs where just legendary :D. Until then, I will just remember how nice TDF2012 was (I sold my X360).

Nice to read about AI improvements, anyway.

And just an advice... please, PLEASE, when you present new screenshots, please group them by platform, CLEARLY stating which one corresponds to PC (PCM), X360, PS3 and PS4. It is so misleading...


I could not agree more with this message.
You should know that this game is bought by cycling fans, and cycling fans don´t want 1/5 scale. We want the feelings provided only by 1/2 scale. For this reason, many of us will continue playing to TDF 2012.


  • Messages: 111
  • Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2012, 15:10

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message22 Mai 2014, 14:41

The ABSOLUTE PRIORITY for this TDF2014 should be the SCALE REDUCTION... not the Pro Team Mode (for example), which could come later in DLC or TDF2015... :oops:

I have spent almost a year without playing at TDF2013, looking forward with hope to a scale REDUCTION in TDF2014 ... and I find another DISAPPOINTED ... :-(

The basis of this game should be solid and match the sport of CYCLING ... That alone is obtained by reducing the scale ... Everything else is a crazy motorcycling game... :x

Each day I have more sure that I don´t buy this TDF2014 ... I still playing TDF2012 until that Cyanide and Focus resume the right way... :cry:



  • Messages: 102
  • Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2013, 23:57
  • Localisation: Spain

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message22 Mai 2014, 15:20

I totally agree with your comments about the game and scale. For this reason I also am going to buy the game this year, since my scale opinion 1/5 stage is far to convey the feelings of suffering and actual cycling transmit scale 1/2 of TDF12.

I hope to reconsider and return to play in the future good authority he had with that scale 1/2 so well reprensent cycling, otherwise for me this generation is dead and will do as there is no cycling game consoles.


  • Messages: 7
  • Inscrit le: 01 Avr 2014, 19:03

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message22 Mai 2014, 16:31

motocycling 1/5 NOOOO, cycling 1/2 o1/3 YESSSS !!!!!!!!


  • Messages: 111
  • Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2012, 15:10

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message22 Mai 2014, 17:05

I agree with everything you say ...

The cycling fans, we're screwed with TDF fifth scale... :-(

As Cyanide only satisfying at the casual users, the next thing you see, will be "nitrous oxide on bicycles", at eat a gel, or an apricot ... :-?

TDF has lost all the good that sent us in TDF2012... All this happens, by Cyanide only listening to 4 kids that today are playing any game less TDF, and will SURE that not buying TDF every year, as i sure that the cycling fans yes buy TDF every year, if TDF transmit the realism feelings like (Top Spin, NBA2K, Fight Night Champions, PES, fifa, etc ...), in his respective sports...

Most users who buy a game, we want REALISM (Good graphics, good simulation, good playability, durability, etc ...), just what TDF NOT us offers lately ... :-(

TDF2013 scale has been a bad joke that Cyanide seems ready to repeat another year... :? :oops:


  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 06 Mai 2014, 16:00

Re: TDF 2014 sur XBOX ONE ?

Message22 Mai 2014, 18:58

Personally i think the scale works well and after a while you can play the game more realistically, also split screen works very well

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