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[BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Console Staff

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Svend Rugaard

  • Messages: 139
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juin 2011, 15:28
  • Pseudo GameCenter: PSN : Nistelroy78

[BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Message25 Juin 2014, 11:31

I was telling about some bugs in the other thread i made but think it would be better to actuallly to a threat speciel for the Pro Team mode.

I Notice when buying riders, the riders isnt actually remove from the other team i bought them from.

Example here


Another thing is that i find it irratating that i have Rafael Majka, and Alenjandro Valverde but on my team overview screen the overall stats is still the same, and it say the 2 so called captains from start is the top riders


Also i find it really weird its the same sponsor goals over and over again with the riders only goal there has chance was valverde first season i had him needed to win The Tour DE France - Nex year i just needed a podium place and win 2 stages.
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Svend Rugaard

  • Messages: 139
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juin 2011, 15:28
  • Pseudo GameCenter: PSN : Nistelroy78

Re: [BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Message25 Juin 2014, 17:50

Another bug . i was try to play with Movistar on a new game, but there is a problem here its Valverde has the icon for he is in the front group even he isnt.


That make it hard for me to actually protect him etc, because its not allow because its red on him even he is on the peleton
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Cyanide Team

  • Messages: 954
  • Inscrit le: 13 Juin 2012, 09:46

Re: [BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Message26 Juin 2014, 11:01

Thanks for all these feedbacks. It helps a lot.

Cloned riders in Pro Team are not a bug. It's part of the design. I don't mean it's something cool but that's an issue we assume (for this year, I hope we can change that for TDF15). The reason is that if a player buy all the best riders, other teams will become weak and the game will be very, very, very easy.

Svend Rugaard

  • Messages: 139
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juin 2011, 15:28
  • Pseudo GameCenter: PSN : Nistelroy78

Re: [BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Message26 Juin 2014, 14:46

You could just put a limit on what to buy example only 2 of each 5 stars riders in each class

You cant use more anyway ...But again then you could make a new as another wrote in a topic get them a new random named rider there will replace the rider on that team.
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Re: [BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Message26 Juin 2014, 15:51

I think a limit is the best solution

"Valverde does not want to join your team because you already have a team leader who is a climber"


  • Messages: 170
  • Inscrit le: 03 Sep 2012, 16:40

Re: [BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Message28 Juin 2014, 11:35

The Cyanide's choice of the cloned riders is a big problem... It makes lose a lot of interest... :-(


  • Messages: 39
  • Inscrit le: 07 Août 2012, 19:08

Re: [BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Message28 Juin 2014, 14:42

Patatrasse a écrit:Thanks for all these feedbacks. It helps a lot.

Cloned riders in Pro Team are not a bug. It's part of the design. I don't mean it's something cool but that's an issue we assume (for this year, I hope we can change that for TDF15). The reason is that if a player buy all the best riders, other teams will become weak and the game will be very, very, very easy.

Hello Patatrasse.

First of all, thanks for showing up. It's very important for the community feeling you care about us and put effort on solving bugs :D

Well, if cloning is part of the design, you should consider redesigning it :). It is so inelegant!

By the way, I know your point of view about difficulty (only dependant on the team of your choice), and I used to like it. But now, specially with the pro team mode running, where your team changes over time, but your rivals stay the same, you should consider adding a 'difficulty selection'. When you manage to acquire top level riders (or classic ones), there's no challenge anymore... until you find a proper solution (wages, transfer restrictions, etc.), it would be very easy (and extremely appreciated) to implement a more challenging mode, where energy is consumed 'slightly' faster only for the team you manage... Not interested in an easier mode (problems with online rankings and that stuff), just a harder one :)

Thanks for reading!


  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 28 Juin 2014, 16:15

Re: [BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Message28 Juin 2014, 23:15

I think it is a bug that you always play the same 5 stages. It makes the game VERY boring after just 2 or 3 Tours.

And I really don't like the riders getting cloned.


  • Messages: 25
  • Inscrit le: 30 Juin 2011, 20:30

Re: [BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Message02 Juil 2014, 15:27


today i have a bug in the pro team mode :
i realise the 4 objectivs : (top 15 with Kiserlovtsky, win the general combative with sicard, top 10 on a stage with Richeze , top 20 with Dekker on a stage)

But at the end of the tour i only have 25 m€ ;
i think the two : top 10 and top 20 didn't work because when i realises it it was written : "realised" but i didn't had the money.
I've you ever notice this bug (or maybe did i realise something wrong) ?

Sorry for my english, i'm french.

En français : j'ai eu un bug aujourd'hui ; j'ai réalisé les 4 objectifs qui normalement doivent me rapporter 50 m€ mais à la fin seulement 25 m€ sont apparus sur le compte (+ les 20 m€ du sponsor et les 11 que j'ai gagné durant le tour)
J'ai l'impression que ça n'a pas comptabiliser les 25 m€ gagnés sur des objectifs relatifs à des étapes (top 20 avec Dekker et top 10 avec Richelze)

avez vous eu ce genre de problème ?

Merci .



  • Messages: 30
  • Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2013, 17:13

Re: [BUG THREAT] Pro Team mode

Message02 Juil 2014, 16:14

imi a écrit:Hello,

today i have a bug in the pro team mode :
i realise the 4 objectivs : (top 15 with Kiserlovtsky, win the general combative with sicard, top 10 on a stage with Richeze , top 20 with Dekker on a stage)

But at the end of the tour i only have 25 m€ ;
i think the two : top 10 and top 20 didn't work because when i realises it it was written : "realised" but i didn't had the money.
I've you ever notice this bug (or maybe did i realise something wrong) ?

I have experienced that one perticular objective cannot be accomplished. It's the "place on the podium and win 2 stages" (cant remember if its 2 or 3 stages). I can never get that one. I am sure that there was one other objective that was buggy, but I realized it a few stages after.

This game seriously needs a patch asap.

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