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Fast Forward/Simulate

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Console Staff

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  • Messages: 6
  • Inscrit le: 18 Juin 2016, 08:38
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: ial

Fast Forward/Simulate

Message18 Juin 2016, 08:46

Hi, why have you taken the option to simulate out of the game? I must now sit and fast forward for 10 15 20 minutes at a time. This is boring and ruining the game. It takes way too long. Please add the simulate option back in the game. Please? If I am sat in the peloton for 200km, It makes me fall asleep......


  • Messages: 63
  • Inscrit le: 21 Mars 2013, 11:51
  • Pseudo GameCenter: kady
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: mateimarcelus

Re: Fast Forward/Simulate

Message18 Juin 2016, 15:40

press LB button to auto sim
at some time it will pause because that's want director sportiv but you press LB again
LT button is to sim how much you keep pressed LT and it will simulate.take finger from LT it stops
it's actually much better if you play on champion difficulty


  • Messages: 17
  • Inscrit le: 08 Juil 2012, 00:41

Re: Fast Forward/Simulate

Message20 Juin 2016, 15:38

I too would like to have the old simulation mode back. Not instead of the new but in addition to the new one so that you have a choice.

But beyond that, I would really love if the L1 (PS4) was an option in co-op and not only singleplayer. As it works in co-op now, both players have to hold down L2 to simulate. L1 has no function in co-op simulation, and it's really annoying that both have to keep a button pressed for 15 minutes and not just activate L1 and being able to have it simulate without the controller in your hand.


  • Messages: 30
  • Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2013, 17:13

Re: Fast Forward/Simulate

Message25 Juin 2016, 20:23

He is completely right. The fast forward function is not fast enough. There should be 2 fast forward speeds. The one that is in the game now, and one ultra fast one that is much faster.

Playing a complete Tour is now very discouraging for me because of this. Playing with a mountain focused team, I am now forced to spend more time on all flat stages than I was before. If I don't have a particular goal in a stage, I hate sitting and waiting this long. Basically there is more waiting time and less playing in 2016 version.

I have only played 1 tour in the game so far and it's discouraging to start a new tour because of this.

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