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Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Console Staff

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  • Messages: 109
  • Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2009, 22:13
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: Mikeeboy


Message05 Juil 2016, 14:00

Sprinting is just so difficult, but I actually won a sprint last night. In Pro Team, Champion difficulty I was playing as Manzin up against the likes of Ewan and Nizzolo. I reloaded my save game from 8km out, 10-15 times, I was about to give up, but then I managed it, tucked in behind those guys then bursting through the gap, throwing my bike and winning by less than a bike wheel.

It was a momentous moment, but what record do I have of it? Nothing!!

This game needs a replay facility. Maybe just the last few km of the rider you are controlling. With the standard controls that come with such a facility. 360 camera rotation, focus on specific riders, rewind, slow motion etc. Plus the ability to save a replay.

I've requested it previously, hopefully it can make it into the next version of the game.

Svend Rugaard

  • Messages: 139
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juin 2011, 15:28
  • Pseudo GameCenter: PSN : Nistelroy78

Re: Replays

Message07 Juil 2016, 04:33

If you have PS4 it automatic record the last 15 minutes you just need to press "SHARE BUTTON" and save it and maybe use PS4 Share Factory to do a video clip with slowmotion effects no big deal.
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  • Messages: 109
  • Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2009, 22:13
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: Mikeeboy

Re: Replays

Message07 Juil 2016, 10:57

Svend Rugaard a écrit:If you have PS4 it automatic record the last 15 minutes you just need to press "SHARE BUTTON" and save it and maybe use PS4 Share Factory to do a video clip with slowmotion effects no big deal.

Yes, I did think of that afterwards but it' still not as good as having different camera angles, top down etc on replay.
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Cyanide Team

  • Messages: 954
  • Inscrit le: 13 Juin 2012, 09:46

Re: Replays

Message11 Juil 2016, 10:01

Yes, I agree. It is one of the (many) feature we would like to add to the game. I hope we will be able to do it for TDF17 :)


  • Messages: 123
  • Inscrit le: 29 Mai 2015, 03:46

Re: Replays

Message19 Juil 2016, 21:14

Personaly, I think the opposite aboute sprint difficulty. Taking a wheel gives a too big amount of speed, and starting the sprint at the front, leaded by a train, full energy, smashing attack button, wouldn't be worth if the AI would take the wheel, and outflank us. I reported it to Patatrasse (I hope he remember that). Cuz' sprinting is too easy, you can win 6-8 km/h just by taking a wheel for a short time, without being blocked. Sometimes, it's crazy when u have a little peloton of sprint, like -6 riders at the front, and than u start far behind, and how much you come back and win the sprint easily because you are protected. Just check, the last TDF stage, with Greipel, in My Tour with only this stage, then everyone gets normal shape, I just reach 85 km/h starting behind, while I can't get over 77-78 being at the front/with nobody.

Just nerf the max speed, not normal we gain so much speed just by taking the wheel in a sprint ^_^

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