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Multiplayer Online - Come on why is not being added again

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Console Staff

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Svend Rugaard

  • Messages: 139
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juin 2011, 15:28
  • Pseudo GameCenter: PSN : Nistelroy78

Multiplayer Online - Come on why is not being added again

Message07 Juil 2016, 04:47

In 2012 version you put Online part in the game and even it became boring because people didnt understand how to play it and i manage to win 10 out of 10 online races i was still hoping that the last few years with more focus on cooperative and Compative couch play, why not add Online play so people actually could play TDF without either Shareplay ( Which disconnect after a hr and have to be restarted" or couch play.

Thinking Dead Nation from Sony has a P2P play where you just invite people and you actually host there for no server is need from your side.

I really think this is gonna be implented either in a patch or 2017, its the only thing there is missing at least for co-op play.
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