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Add - Triptyque and Grimpeurs to Pro Team mode and LEGEND ?

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Console Staff

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Svend Rugaard

  • Messages: 139
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juin 2011, 15:28
  • Pseudo GameCenter: PSN : Nistelroy78

Add - Triptyque and Grimpeurs to Pro Team mode and LEGEND ?

Message26 Août 2016, 01:11

Hello !

I have enjoyed played Tour De France 2016 since release, and actually doing Livestream everytime i play, because its fun to have ideas and feedback from viewers while play almost 300 livestraems have it been since release ( yes some days i did 2-3 streams only pause because of eating :D )

When i the patch came out you put Legend Mode it, which actually was same day i completed to win Tour De France on Champion Mode in Pro Team vs Legends ( Where i as only thing never buy Hinault AND Mercx to make it actually competive =

But after i just get a change to upgrade to legend diffultc after beaten that, i started out with a leathal team ( after 9 seasons you can buy alot of riders there is making the team lethal ) but even i bought Wiggins, Kelly and other legends, they just got replaced off course, but one thing i actually would like to see is that Legend Team is have new Roster each year, and maybe even build around the route of the Tour de France so if there is cobblestones they have a few more good cobblestone as helpers for mercx and Hinault example, etc

I know the route is complete random each year, and therefor as human its hard to buy riders so it is good for all kind of routes, but thats just to guess what is best.

But the other thing is that really wanted that you make it possible to have Triptyque Tour and Grimpeurs also included in the Pro Team mode, so you have more reaces each season to drive, and there for maybe also have more money after especially first season and second season .. and maybe have a change to buy 1 or 2 extra riders for your squad so you could change few places on roster on each tour races so it better fit your needs in a season.

You are completly helpless if you actually what i would call unlucky qualify for Tour De France 1 season or second season to actually have a suitable team for the Tour De France there actually can make a diffrence if you dont have won any of the races 1 season but only got those qualify places.
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