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A question for devs

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Console Staff

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  • Messages: 6
  • Inscrit le: 18 Juin 2016, 08:38
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: ial

A question for devs

Message26 Jan 2017, 15:37

Hi, in future TDF will you have the space to put more stages on the console versions of this game? There are only 2 years' worth of TDF stages at this time. Can we have more? What about a stage creator? What about weather? Can we have crashes on wet descents?

I understand your space for what you can put in the game is limited, but how limited? Thanks
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Cyanide Team

  • Messages: 954
  • Inscrit le: 13 Juin 2012, 09:46

Re: A question for devs

Message06 Fév 2017, 10:40

Frecu a écrit:Hi, in future TDF will you have the space to put more stages on the console versions of this game? There are only 2 years' worth of TDF stages at this time. Can we have more? What about a stage creator? What about weather? Can we have crashes on wet descents?

I understand your space for what you can put in the game is limited, but how limited? Thanks

We use almost all the space of the blu-ray. I think we could add 2 or 3 stages.To add more stages, we would have to find new compression methods for the stages but thi is not an easy task because it will make loading times much longuer and we have constraint from Sony and Microsoft about the maximum amount of time a loading can last.

Stage creator is not a feature we are ready to implement. Our tools to create stages are just not "console" ready and making a stage is very very long. If you want to test, it is possible to make stages for Pro Cycling Manager (stages on TDF are twice as big as PCM stages.)

The weather is something we would like to have in the game, espacially raining conditions that can change the scenario of a race. I hope we could do it soon.


  • Messages: 6
  • Inscrit le: 18 Juin 2016, 08:38
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: ial

Re: A question for devs

Message07 Fév 2017, 06:43

Having no space is a problem that you must try to find a solution. It is frustrating because I can feel that TDF is a franchise that has great potential to grow. Cycling as a sport and a hobby are growing. I know you would have so much fun making this game if you could include more features! I wish I could help! I will continue to support and buy!

Please remember this year to include at least a cobbled stage and a crosswinds stage. Even if the parcour says no. They are very enjoyable stages!

Thank you for your response

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