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Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 92
  • Inscrit le: 27 Fév 2012, 18:32


Message27 Sep 2012, 11:02

Armada will be updated next week. Here is the desciption of the update:

Energy and fatigue
The physical capabilities of a rider diminish after a ranked race. Energy levels, from 0 to 100, are displayed on an energy bar. At 100, a rider's attributes are optimal and, at 0, they are highly reduced. This requires that the player rotates his riders.

With each passing day, riders will recover energy, either partially or in full. It is also possible to massage a rider, up to 3 times a day, so that he recovers energy. A team may perform a maximum of 15 massages per day for all of its riders. Massages can be purchased in the shop using Cyans or Coins.

Riders are under contract with the player for a default number of 100 races. Only ranked races are deducted from the contract amount (friendly races are not counted). It is possible to extend a rider's contract five times giving a total of 600 ranked races: (100 + 5 x 100). The extension is possible when the rider has less than 10 races remaining in his current contract. A contract can be extend by using either of the two in-game currencies: Cyans or Coins.
When a rider has no more races available in his contract and all contract extensions have been exhausted, the card will remain in the player's collection but it cannot be used in either friendly or ranked races. A rider whose contract can still be extended, but who has no more races in his current contract, cannot take part in a friendly race.

Legendary cards are special cards and the riders are particularly strong. They are limited to one per squad.
The series being released covers the period from 1995-1999 and each rider is noted in a year when he was particularly prominent. A rider can be part of several different collections (in different years and therefore with different possible values for his attributes).

There are two types of "Legendary" pack, both offering the chance of acquiring a legendary card. A standard "Legendary" pack, bought with Coins, offers a rare chance of finding a legendary card). The "Ultimate" pack, bought with Cyans, offers a guaranteed bonus of a non-duplicate legendary card.

The leader of the Overall Standings will now have a distinctive jersey for his/her team when it races: the world champion's jersey (white with rainbow stripes).
Focus Team


  • Messages: 10
  • Inscrit le: 16 Août 2009, 16:47


Message27 Sep 2012, 21:43

a exclusive pack for people that buy cyans? this looks like a free to play game,
i hope that the quantity for renewal riders will be reasonable, because the prices of renewing equipment with coins are ridiculous

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