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BUG - Pro Cyclist Game mode

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 09 Juil 2015, 12:24

BUG - Pro Cyclist Game mode

Message09 Juil 2015, 12:28

I am playing a climber in europcar and in the first race i am sitting protecting my teamleader when one of my other teammates attack and form a 2 man group with a 5 minute lead. Then the bug appears. The manager controlling my team (aka computer) should check if his team got a cyclist in attack. Because in my game my manager (computer) starts reeling in the attackers (his own guy) by putting people in relay infront of peloton. This should be a easy fix by adding a check in the code. :lol:

Also it would be good to have ways of requesting things in this game mode. Should be a way to communitcate with your manager and ask for water, relay, protection ect.

Edit: In the next game i (climber in europcar) attacked and managed to get a couple of minutes lead in the mountains. Then I got the message that my team was in charge of reeling in the escapees? WOOOT! Please fix this gamebreaking bug.

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