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Probleme inscription course

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Focus Team

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  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 07 Sep 2011, 14:18

Probleme inscription course

Message18 Nov 2011, 01:45

je suis actuellement en janvier 2014 avec leopard.
Au moment du tour d australie impossible d inscrire des coureur a la course.(j ai simuler jusqu a Paris-Nice toujours la meme chose...)
Dans la rubrique dernier resultat : rien, donc aucune équipe n a participé a la course.
J ai essayé 2fois de prendre une weekly save dont une de decembre 2013. Résultat identique.
Quelqu un aurait une solution a me suggerer? merci d avance


  • Messages: 364
  • Inscrit le: 17 Juin 2009, 16:54
  • Localisation: Switzerland

Re: Probleme inscription course

Message18 Nov 2011, 22:17

GAM_config > fkIDstage_current

(Je ne peux pas expliquer en français)


  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 07 Sep 2011, 14:18

Re: Probleme inscription course

Message19 Nov 2011, 01:12

Ca ne m aide pas beaucoup :(
can you explain that in english?


  • Messages: 364
  • Inscrit le: 17 Juin 2009, 16:54
  • Localisation: Switzerland

Re: Probleme inscription course

Message20 Nov 2011, 17:54

You can open the save file of your career using an editor. (Download links can be found in the database sub-forum)
In the database of your save there is a table called GAM_config and there is a column fkIDstage_current
If the value in this column is not correct, the game would behave like in your description.

So you should first go to the 1st of January and then open your save with an editor.
Then open the table called STA_stage and search for the first stage in the year. The values in the columns gene_i_day and gene_i_month define when the stage will be, so search for the first race in January. When you have found this stage, write down the number in the first column (IDstage) of that row.

Then open the table GAM_config and check if the value in the column fkIDstage_current has the number you just wrote down. If the number is not correct, you have found your problem. You can overwrite the number and then save your changes and then create a new save file. Finally you need to load the edited file in the game.

If this was too complicated, then upload your save and I will have a look.

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