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Custom Face Model

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 7
  • Inscrit le: 13 Juin 2009, 17:58
  • Pseudo GameCenter: EintrachtFan

Custom Face Model

Message29 Août 2011, 23:22

*Warning: English Topic ;)

I really think it's great that you have opened a suggestion forum. I hope you guys from Cyanide will read a lot of the suggestions already made, i've read some of them too (using google translator as i don't speak french) and i must say there are quite a few nice suggestions.

So my suggestion would be to let us community have the ability to remodel the face model. Don't get me wrong, the face model is very well made, but it's just a bit boring to see the same face 180 times. Editing the texture can lead to a little bit different look, but in the end all of the Faces look nearly the same. You can check the Faces 2011 topic on PCMdaily to see what i mean.

An example: This is what my Sacha Modolo Face looks ingame:
Now he looks not really like the real one and that's because he has some characteristics which you can't display by just editing the texture.


He has a very remarkable nose, the tip pulls down a bit under his nostrils. I think you get the picture of what i mean.

So what would you have to do? If it's possible, you'd just have to give us the possibilty to export the face/head model into any common 3d objects file format, just like it's now possible with the equipment. Could be a .nif file, but every file format would do it. Just so we can edit the Faces/Vertices/however in 3D editing programs like Blender, 3dmax etc. Just give us the ability and we'll do the work ;)
And afterwards we can assign them via db to every rider (what i mean: no limitation! In PCM 2011 it's only possible to add 127 different faces.) I'm aware that it might increase the loading time, but yet it would be a extra feature, not a standard one. So if people prefer to have faster loading times they simply turn them off or just don't download them.

The new 3d engine along with the new Cyclist Body was a big step for the game, now it's time to optimize the atmosphere and the individuality of this part.

I hope it's possible. Thanks for reading.
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  • Messages: 6188
  • Inscrit le: 12 Juin 2009, 17:09
  • Localisation: Paris (France)
  • Pseudo GameCenter: MistaFlo

Re: Custom Face Model

Message30 Août 2011, 00:57

+1 Nice suggestion.
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