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List of CYM Spain Community suggestions

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 173
  • Inscrit le: 06 Mai 2011, 20:22

List of CYM Spain Community suggestions

Message06 Nov 2011, 19:43

Well, i will write some suggestions, in name of the CYM Spain community. Sorry if already mentioned but I hope that at least two or three are not yet listed. Is hard to read all 200 topics :oops: Thanks. And sorry for my english :oops:

1. Renew the Sponsors contract. (for example: i want extend for two or three years more my sponsor contract.)
2. More consistency between the goals of the sponsors and the potential and characteristics of the team. (for example: Top 5/10 Milan Sanremo with a continental team or with a weak team. :? )
3. Fusions between two teams (like leopard and radioshack) and creation of new teams.
4. Modify the transfer system. Decisions adjusted to reality. (for example: Don't see Cadel Evans in Colnago or Farnese Vini)
5. Better and True Press conferences (interaction of the manager and cyclists with the media). News and interviews that affect the relationship between the cyclist and the manager.
6. Alliances between teams during the race. Establish tactics and strategies with the A.I. teams or cyclists. (for example: Cadel Evans and Andy Schleck make an alliance to beat Contador in Tourmalet.)
7. Sign contracts with brands of bicycles. (for example: My custom team, can sign contract with TREK and they provide equipment FREE)
8. Advance Registration racing cyclists and in the news, days before to that races, publishing the final list of participants. (like a published startlist in real true).
9. Add preference for cyclists to stay or go to another country. (for example: Some riders, like Haussler, that changes his country/nationality, according to his preferences or goals.)
10. Preferences regarding to gregarious cyclists or rivals cyclists. (for example: Contador doesn't sign with your team, if you hire Cadel Evans. Or, Purito Rodriguez tell you, that if you want to sign him, you have to sign Dani Moreno. )
11. Legend Mode. (Can create a rider, with his caracteristics, speciality, etc.)
12. Transfers paying money to the other teams. (for example: I want Cancellara in my team, but he ends contract with the other team in 2013, so, I pay money to the other team, releasing Cancellara from that team.)
13. In mountain stages with a short ending plain, attribute Sprint must influence more.
14. Transfers of cyclists adjusted to reality (for example: can't run a race in Canada, then go to Belgium and then back to canada in three days. 07/09 Grand Prix Cycliste de Québec, 08/09 Paris-Bruxelles , 09/09 Grand Prix Cycliste de Montréal.)
15. Leading a national team should be by merits (results, experience, etc.) of the coach and not automatically.
16. Stages in real time or best range. Or, only Sprint finishes and major mountain ports in real scale .

Thanks for read it, and we hope you think in those suggestions to made a better PCM in 2012. ;)


  • Messages: 68
  • Inscrit le: 11 Nov 2011, 13:49

Re: List of CYM Spain Community suggestions

Message11 Nov 2011, 14:25

All of this seems quite good excepted the legend mode =)
I'd rather keep the way we play pcm, I think it's the only way to play ^^


  • Messages: 249
  • Inscrit le: 04 Mai 2011, 20:41
  • Localisation: Danmark(Denmark)
  • Pseudo GameCenter: Maddrengen

Re: List of CYM Spain Community suggestions

Message19 Nov 2011, 23:15

Really good suggestions CYM Spain! I like them.


  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 02 Jan 2012, 13:50

Re: List of CYM Spain Community suggestions

Message02 Jan 2012, 13:57


there´s something noone suggest, i think so, and that is a list with the riders who compose the breakaways. for example, if there are 2, 3, or 14 differents groups just having a fast look at it u can know what riders compose that breakaway. Like on tv.


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