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  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 02 Jan 2012, 13:50


Message11 Jan 2012, 15:11


why french people write in french and all of us write in english? If I write in english is because I want everyone understand what I mean. Therefore we can discuss and get ideas. I´m spanish and write in english, portugueses write in english,.....


  • Messages: 68
  • Inscrit le: 11 Nov 2011, 13:49

Re: English

Message11 Jan 2012, 16:25

And ? What's the point ? French write in French in order to understand better each other. It's the same for the spanishes, portugueses etc.. on their own forums. Then, you and we make a detailed summary of our ideas and we share it so every body can see it. I don't see what's troubling you in this.

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