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[FIXED] Problems to start the game

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Focus Team

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Focus Team

  • Messages: 1573
  • Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2009, 12:01
  • Localisation: France

Re: Problems to start the game

Message29 Juin 2012, 14:51

1. Click the Windows Start button then on the Windows username link present at the top right above Documents.
2. Open the folder AppData (*) then the folder Roaming and delete the folder Pro Cycling Manager 2012.
3. Click the Windows Start button then Documents and delete the folder Pro Cycling Manager 2012.
4. Run Pro Cycling Manager 2012.

(*) The AppData folder is an hidden folder by default. To view this folder, click Organize from the top left then Folder and search options.
Click the View tab and check 'Show hidden files, folders and drives' under 'Hidden files and folders' in the 'Advanced Settings' window.
Click the OK button.


  • Messages: 6
  • Inscrit le: 26 Juin 2012, 19:06

Re: Problems to start the game

Message30 Juin 2012, 00:07

You're my hero! It works now! Thank you very much!

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