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Armada Mode Bug

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Focus Team

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  • Messages: 13
  • Inscrit le: 21 Avr 2011, 21:32
  • Pseudo GameCenter: Damiano-Cunego96

Armada Mode Bug

Message02 Juil 2012, 20:26


I have a very big bug which makes it impossible for me to play the Armada Mode anymore.When i get into the games the screen jumps always from point to point at the stage like i would be in a couple races at the same time.(for example: i get into game then i have the race at 150 km then on 50km then again on 150km then on 50,....also the energy buttons are like i would be in a couple of races)
I have tried a couple of restarts of the game and of the computer but there is always the same bug.
As the online mode is the most important part in pcm for me i this is very disappointing.
I hope you may help me.
I expect an answer very soon :!:

Thank you.

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