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This application has requested the runtime to terminate.....

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Focus Team

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  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 25 Mai 2014, 06:45

This application has requested the runtime to terminate.....

Message25 Mai 2014, 06:55


Whenever I get to the 31/12 on the first season and go to advance I get this:

this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

It happens in every season I play.

So pretty much as a result I can only play '1 season' careers which is rather boring and I certainly wouldn't have bothered with the game if I'd known that. I'm hoping there's an easy fix so I can have some fun with the game though, hence me asking here.

What exactly happens is that I click advance and then a little box comes up (I think it's a windows box) saying that message and I can only click ok and then the game crashes. Every time on every save.

Any help would be much appreciated, happy to provide anything that might help find a solution.
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Focus Team

  • Messages: 1573
  • Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2009, 12:01
  • Localisation: France

Re: This application has requested the runtime to terminate.

Message26 Mai 2014, 11:47

Please post the game log:

1. Open your Documents.
2. Open the folder Pro Cycling Manager 2013.
3. Open the file Pro Cycling Manager 2013.log with the Notepad.

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