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Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 10 Août 2010, 17:52


Message10 Août 2010, 18:11

hi, can anyone explain how the multiplayer in PCM works? There is no trace whatsoever... or post here a link pls with some notes. I would like to buy this game, im just not sure if the multiplayer is worth of it.

For example... when playing a multi-stage race, like Giro or TdF... with lets say 3-4 players playing, each managing his own team, such a game would take 6 hour minimum. I can not imagine that such a game would be played straight, I mean in one day, without a break. Does it mean we would need to set for each continuation, f.e. the next day, exact time when will we continue the game? This would be very non-friendly, due to the bussines of each player :) How it works? Do you guys play only one stage races mostly, because of this? Thx for your answers to my noobish question :)

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