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Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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xavi tondo

  • Messages: 9
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juin 2011, 14:39

Re: Questions

Message27 Juil 2011, 12:30

I have installed the game both in my laptop and my desktop. I would like to take a saved carreer game from one to the other. Where is the file of the saved game? In what folder do I have to save it in the second pc to be able to play with the saved file?

Thanks a lot !
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  • Messages: 873
  • Inscrit le: 12 Juin 2009, 21:35
  • Localisation: Spain, Seville
  • Pseudo GameCenter: carlos_valverde

Re: Questions

Message27 Juil 2011, 18:22

xavi tondo a écrit:I have installed the game both in my laptop and my desktop. I would like to take a saved carreer game from one to the other. Where is the file of the saved game? In what folder do I have to save it in the second pc to be able to play with the saved file?

Thanks a lot !

Yes, the saved games are in my documents/pcm11/users/you name/database/solo/officialrelease

The three files will have to put in the same folder on another pc


  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 10 Juil 2011, 21:07

Re: Questions

Message04 Août 2011, 21:22

Does the AI use trainingcamps? Looking at the Mountainstats of the stars and the performans of my tier1.5 mountainriders in the grand tours (samuel sanches with trainingcamp vs schlecks and contador) it seems not to. If not it feels to me almost like cheating to gain that advantage.

More question on the trainingcamps. Do they stack? Are their effects in any way capped? What is the differens between lowstar and highstar sites? Is there any point whatsoever considering the low pricedifferance to not choose a 10day camp at the best site?


  • Messages: 47
  • Inscrit le: 21 Juin 2011, 17:43

Re: Questions

Message10 Juil 2012, 18:52

Ma question peut paraitre débile mais quand je crée une carrière j'ai toujours le même problème.
Le sponsor nous file du fric au début puis plus rien donc avec les salaires bah en 2 mois on est en dette..
Comment faire pour avoir un meilleur budget et e pas tombé en dette..
Ou supprimer les salaires ?

Je précise que je joue sur PCM11 avec la DBVNC


  • Messages: 119
  • Inscrit le: 17 Juin 2009, 21:31

Re: Questions

Message11 Juil 2012, 20:12

Comment ça plus rien ??

Tu as un budget salaire chaque mois !

Après si tu prends trop d’entraîneurs ou d'éclaireurs ,c'est pas étonnant.

Je rappelle que tu as aussi un solde au départ qui correspond à 1 mois de salaire des coureurs.Sans parler des revenus des courses.

Prend la FCM 2012 sur PCM11 , tu as de plus gros revenus sur les course , entres autres choses.


  • Messages: 3
  • Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2012, 11:13

a little question

Message12 Sep 2012, 11:29

Hello there

When you start with carerr mode and you chose a national team and not a pro team can you move up with that team to pro after some seasons or do you have to start with a pro team.

Have a great day


  • Messages: 3
  • Inscrit le: 24 Juil 2012, 09:37

Re: a little question

Message12 Sep 2012, 12:44

drakfan a écrit:Hello there

When you start with carerr mode and you chose a national team and not a pro team can you move up with that team to pro after some seasons or do you have to start with a pro team.

Have a great day

you can do it!.

Finish in top 2 and you cand race in pro tour.

have a nice day


  • Messages: 3
  • Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2012, 11:13

Re: Questions

Message13 Sep 2012, 09:02

Thanks gounix

So one more question I did use the Editor to make a new team and put some drivers in there so long so good. But when I started my carrer the team funds was 0 and no active sponsor so my economic is - 20000Euro after 5 stage of malaysia. Should it be like that or did I do something wrong with the editor. otherwise I do love the game :D


  • Messages: 3
  • Inscrit le: 24 Juil 2012, 09:37

Re: Questions

Message13 Sep 2012, 13:26

drakfan a écrit:Thanks gounix

So one more question I did use the Editor to make a new team and put some drivers in there so long so good. But when I started my carrer the team funds was 0 and no active sponsor so my economic is - 20000Euro after 5 stage of malaysia. Should it be like that or did I do something wrong with the editor. otherwise I do love the game :D

if you want a new team you use the game to create this new. I think it's more easy.

I don't know the "english option" in the game

may be personalized team in carrer mode
after choose a team name and name sponsor you can adjuste sponsor money.
(don't forget patch to solve some bug in career mode with sponsor budget)
i hope this may be usefull for you.


  • Messages: 3
  • Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2012, 11:13

Re: Questions

Message13 Sep 2012, 13:59

Thanks again.. :) have a nice day

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