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What PewDiePie and Katy Perry can teach brands about success

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  • Messages: 19
  • Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2018, 15:04
  • Pseudo GameCenter: France
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: ghfcf

What PewDiePie and Katy Perry can teach brands about success

Message25 Oct 2018, 09:42


YouTube stars like PewDiePie, stampylonghead and TheDiamondMinecart are responsible for helping the platform reach 1bn viewers a month. Richard Herd, network manager, Fresh One TV says there are lessons brands can take from this growth.

The growth in YouTube viewing was mainly driven by an 80.5% rise in the view count for the Top 100 YouTube channels. This YouTube elite attracted an accumulated 9.46bn views in July, up from 5.24bn in July 2013, according to a report from Tubefilter/OpenSlate.


  • Messages: 5
  • Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2018, 15:08
  • Pseudo GameCenter: France
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: ydyjrd

Re: What PewDiePie and Katy Perry can teach brands about suc

Message25 Oct 2018, 09:44

T-Series posts elaborately produced music videos & film trailers with monstrous budgets while Pewdiepie’s videos are mostly filmed & shot in his one room studio where he is the only person engaging in front of the camera. Obviously, music videos & film trailers attract higher viewership. You can’t compare a music channel+company to a gaming+comedy channel where a single person is responsible for providing you entertainment.


  • Messages: 19
  • Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2018, 15:04
  • Pseudo GameCenter: France
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: ghfcf

Re: What PewDiePie and Katy Perry can teach brands about suc

Message25 Oct 2018, 09:45

baggagelose a écrit:Image

YouTube stars like PewDiePie, stampylonghead and TheDiamondMinecart are responsible for helping the platform reach 1bn viewers a month. Richard Herd, network manager, Fresh One TV says there are lessons brands can take from this growth.

The growth in YouTube viewing was mainly driven by an 80.5% rise in the view count for the Top 100 YouTube channels. This YouTube elite attracted an accumulated 9.46bn views in July, up from 5.24bn in July 2013, according to a report from Tubefilter/OpenSlate.

Almost all of Bollywood’s music videos & trailers of its highest grossing films are uploaded on T-Series.T-Series is like India’s Vevo, except all the artists have a combined channel in contrast to individual Vevo channels of each artist. Imagine this situation by assuming all of your favourite artists’ music was uploaded on one single channel.


  • Messages: 4
  • Inscrit le: 18 Oct 2018, 14:55
  • Pseudo GameCenter: France
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: FG65fh

Re: What PewDiePie and Katy Perry can teach brands about suc

Message25 Oct 2018, 09:46

The music of more than half of Bollywood’s highest grossers of 2018 was uploaded on the T-Series channel. Obviously, in such a scenario, the debate going on about who will emerge as the ultimate winner seems fairly pointless because even if T-Series were to surpass Pewdiepie as the most subscribed channel, Pewdiepie, representing the legion of independent creators, will remain the unprecedented king of YouTube. And a king who respects ‘wamen’. Unless of course, another channel & a Youtuber in its true sense, comes close to his subscriber count.

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