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Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 28
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juil 2015, 12:22


Message06 Août 2016, 01:31

Dear Cyande/Focus Team,

Thank you very to listen community suggestions. We appreciated a lot it.

I want to note you regarding a issue when a stage or race go by urban circuit.

Lapped riders disturb the riders that is fighting for the victory. There are a lot of inconveniences:

- Lapped riders block to riders in the lead group in a sprint o during attack
- Is not possible for player to differentiate between lapped riders and the riders of lead group

This is very dissapointing for players.

Please see the video below to understand it (see 25:15)

[Youtube] [/Youtube]

Is possible to solve it?

Honestly only occur to me two solutions:

-Eliminate riders with a lap lost
- Seeing lappers riders in a way that could be easy to know which riders are lapped riders and which part of the lead group.

Is very important that lapped riders don't disturb the others riders in sprints attacks...

Thank you very much as always to note our suggestions.

Kind Regards,

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