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Bug Hill Stat

MessagePublié: 17 Juin 2017, 20:25
par denberre
Dear Cyanide,

The hill stat does not work. Perhaps we hope that you can fix it in a new patch. Watch the video to understand the problem.

The NCL Online Community

Re: Bug Hill Stat

MessagePublié: 17 Juin 2017, 21:20
par tellico
OMG, one of the main attributes dont work. And I was thinking that last year Resistance Case will never repeat. How this is possible, Cyanide??? Did you tested yours product at all?! Patch is needed ASAP.
Edit: people reports that sprints are also weird (and this is not about lack of slow motion which led to chaos and pausing every 0,5 sec), probably SPR stat is also broken.
Good job Cyanide. Tradition is most important.

Re: Bug Hill Stat

MessagePublié: 19 Juin 2017, 09:44
par versemel
please, solve it

Re: Bug Hill Stat

MessagePublié: 19 Juin 2017, 11:17
par 3emeType
Have you tried with an effort higher than 85?
The Hill stat now begins its effect at 86.