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Game won't launch after crash

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 10 Juil 2017, 11:32

Game won't launch after crash

Message10 Juil 2017, 11:42

Hey guys,

Last Friday I was playing PCM17, but as usually the game crashed after a while so I had to reboot my laptop.
After that, I can't launch PCM anymore. If I do, the Cyanidy Crash Reporter pops up immediately.

First I'd checked the game's file integrity in Steam. It doesn't work. Also start in safe mode won't work.
Even a reinstall wasn't a solution. The game still crash immediately.

Does anyone of you has a solution for this?

I hope some of you can help me out!

Kind regards,



  • Messages: 3
  • Inscrit le: 08 Juil 2017, 19:12

Re: Game won't launch after crash

Message10 Juil 2017, 12:24

Found this on Steam forum, and that worked for me when I had the same issue:

"Please try to do this:

Exit the game
Right click on PCM17 on your Steam Library, go to Updates and uncheck "Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for Pro Cycling Manager 2017"
Go to C:\Users\*your user name*\Documents
Delete the Pro Cycling Manager 2017 folder
Go to C:\Users\\*your user name*\AppData\Roaming
Delete the Pro Cycling Manager 2017 folder
/!\ The AppData folder might be hidden. To show it, click on Organise> Folders and research options> Display and select "Show hidden files, folders and disks" then apply.

Then relaunch the game and create a new profile. Make sure there is no space in your profile name."


  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 10 Juil 2017, 11:32

Re: Game won't launch after crash

Message10 Juil 2017, 13:44

It works like a charm! Thank you very much!

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