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Team index + ram usage problem

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 5
  • Inscrit le: 05 Mars 2019, 15:15

Team index + ram usage problem

Message28 Juin 2019, 17:58

Hello i tried to simulate whole season to see how are transfers working and the result is that 5teams from world tour stepped down to conti. Uae who was 2nd place in cya world tour rating barely made it from the last 18th place in team index, jumbo visma who ended 4th in cya world tour fall down to continental etc on the other hand israel cycling for example whos best rider is guillaume martin,zakarin,cimolai with 76/75/74 avg is now world tour and riders like dumoulin,kelderman,roglic,van aert,groenewegen,kruijswijk,tony martin,pinot etc are riding in their continental teams it seems to me like this coeficient doesnt look at the riders which are in team from the earlier seasons just on the riders which are signed up at the end of the season because when i was watching at team index after transfer market opened most of cya world tour teams had just 0 index probably because they didnt buy new riders.

This is probably not bug but it would be nice if sponsors will take a bigger look not only at team results from objective races but also overal results of the team current noteworthy results doesnt seem to impact it a lot because i saw a message that movistar,uae will have big decrease in their budget for the next season most likely because they failed a lot of sponsor objectives but they ended up 2nd and 3rd in cya world tour rating at the end of season and considering how transfer system works now it seems a lot more important now

Also i find out that if you simulate for a longer time game the starts to eat tons of ram when i start the game it is using around 1gb but after 10min of sim or something like that it was using 12gb

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