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Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 13
  • Inscrit le: 23 Juin 2010, 00:00

Re: Questions

Message08 Juil 2011, 08:16

Some details of the problem.

I thought the german flag in the upper right corner shows the interested region of the sponsor. So also the interested region where the riders should be from.

But in the new season the sponsor is totally unhappy with the team (Kader),

In addition:
1. The interested regions of the sponsor should be provided at the sponsor menu.
2. What is the value (first picture) 3.793.000 for? Is this the money the sponsor wants to give? The meaning of the sentence "Dies ist der Betrag den wir gerne bekommen würden" is very unclear.

xavi tondo

  • Messages: 9
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juin 2011, 14:39

Re: Questions

Message11 Juil 2011, 16:28

Using the manager mode, in the page for every cyclist there is information on the results obtained during his carreer in the game.

The sentence saying "top 10 in stage: " appears for some cyclists, but not for others who also have finished among the first ten in some stage.

It looks to me that the sentence appears in the carreer of cyclists that have other sentences already and not for those who do no have previous achievements. Although I am not sure about that.

Is this ok? Can be solved in some way?

Thanks !
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  • Messages: 26
  • Inscrit le: 13 Juin 2009, 18:13
  • Pseudo GameCenter: CT

Re: Questions

Message14 Juil 2011, 15:41

I've been looking around in the forums but haven't found the answer to this question: Is it possible to install the game on my laptop as well as on my desktop pc? I don't use the laptop at home but I think it's powerful enough to run the game when I have a moment to kill so I'd like to have the game installed on both. Is this possible or will the activation prevent this?

Thanks in advance!
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  • Messages: 873
  • Inscrit le: 12 Juin 2009, 21:35
  • Localisation: Spain, Seville
  • Pseudo GameCenter: carlos_valverde

Re: Questions

Message14 Juil 2011, 21:55

CT. a écrit:I've been looking around in the forums but haven't found the answer to this question: Is it possible to install the game on my laptop as well as on my desktop pc? I don't use the laptop at home but I think it's powerful enough to run the game when I have a moment to kill so I'd like to have the game installed on both. Is this possible or will the activation prevent this?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, you can have installed the game on 3 different pc

Peter Neilly

  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 15 Juil 2011, 12:21

Re: Questions

Message15 Juil 2011, 12:25

I am currently trying to install the PCM11 PC game onto my computer. Everything has gone well except that once the installation reached 'Finishing installation' part, it has stopped there for the last half hour. HHHEEELLLPPP!!!! Please.


  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 15 Juil 2011, 18:04

Re: Questions

Message15 Juil 2011, 18:18

1.) I see the key has 3 activations. Does that mean I can lend my key to a friend of mine so he can try it. Both me and him has bought every version since 2006, but this year he says he doesn't plan to buy it since he thinks the game has been pretty much the same every year.
However I see some thinks have changed a bit, races are faster, econemy has changed somewhat. So Maybe I can convince him to buy it if he try it. Afterall if it was a cd-version I could just have let him borrow the CD, so guess it could be ok to lend him my key. But want that confirmed before I let him borrow it.

2.) I started my first 2011 game yesterday and what happened to the finances? I still had 650.000 to "buy" riders, but riders were s cheap compared to earlier years. My custom team has both Schlecks brothers, Hushovd + loads of quallity riders. There was no way in hell to make such a custom team in previous versions. Do they have higher wages now so I'll go bancrupt. I have about 20 riders with avg over 70 and a few young riders to fill the squad. Whats going on?
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  • Messages: 10
  • Inscrit le: 18 Juin 2009, 04:08
  • Pseudo GameCenter: ricoterouy

Re: Questions

Message16 Juil 2011, 20:18

I'm having a problem when hosting multiplayer games (ladder and common mode with official database)

The other people don't see their riders.

I've installed the last patch (

Any suggestions?



  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 18 Juil 2011, 18:38

Re: Questions

Message18 Juil 2011, 18:42

I just downloaded the latest patch ( and it replaced my TEAM LOGO and kits on my career mode to a blank PINK SQUARE in the game areas and what looks to be a default kit on my riders in 3D gameplay. Is there a way to correct this please?


  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 07 Juil 2011, 18:58

Re: Questions

Message19 Juil 2011, 11:48

I have started a carreer game. I would like to change the t-shirt of my riders. I see that is not possible from the game menus, but is it possible going to some file, may be in the data base ?

Thank you !


  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 21 Juil 2011, 20:26

Re: Questions

Message21 Juil 2011, 20:33

I downloaded the game and activate it, but when I insert the key player, gives error says it is invalid, do not understand why ..

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