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Played PS4 version for 3 days but ... [Bugs]

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Svend Rugaard

  • Messages: 139
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juin 2011, 15:28
  • Pseudo GameCenter: PSN : Nistelroy78

Re: Played PS4 version for 3 days but ... [Bugs]

Message25 Juin 2014, 01:50

Another problem i have run in to which is quite annoying in the Pro Team mode

I have bought Rafael Majka and Valverde but these riders are STILL on Movistar and Tinkoff so when i look at the time tabel in which group riders are in are actually got confused who is who .. this should being iix to.
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  • Messages: 109
  • Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2009, 22:13
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: Mikeeboy

Re: Played PS4 version for 3 days but ... [Bugs]

Message25 Juin 2014, 10:54

mikeeboy a écrit:If you want to retain the realism it is important that you let the peleton get back together after an intermediate sprint before changing rider or simulating.

As I found out last night, even doing this isn't certain to get the peleton back. Not sure which stage it was but it was a normal 4 man breakaway and the rest of us were in the peleton. I contested the intermediate sprint with Farrar, and afterwards stopped along with Kittel, Cavendish etc waiting for the peleton. I looked round and saw a group of about 20 riders spread across the road, clear of the peleton I could see in the distance. This group then joined the sprinters to form E2 and the peleton couldn't catch up. Not good.

Despite the cries on this board for a move back to 1/2, I really enjoy the 1/5 scale (I rode the whole of stage 2 with Boasson Hagen for a solo win) and I think the AI generally works well, but it does cause a few problems at times with gaps.


  • Messages: 109
  • Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2009, 22:13
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: Mikeeboy

Re: Played PS4 version for 3 days but ... [Bugs]

Message30 Juin 2014, 13:06

Svend Rugaard a écrit:When you are close to a sprint og mountain sprint, it doesnt show how many kms left so its actually hard to make a good attack - if you go for one of these goals.

I've completed a full tour now with Omega Pharma Quickstep and the only time this happened was on stage 11 (XBOX 360)

Gerard B9

  • Messages: 3
  • Inscrit le: 30 Juin 2014, 11:27

Re: Played PS4 version for 3 days but ... [Bugs]

Message30 Juin 2014, 20:22

an other bug to signal.

on my third season on pro tour mode I have 2 same goals with 2 different riders

win a pois jersey with Gautier and win a pois jersey with Pozzato :? 12.5 million in the toilet


  • Messages: 4
  • Inscrit le: 02 Juil 2014, 17:06

Re: Played PS4 version for 3 days but ... [Bugs]

Message08 Juil 2014, 09:48

Gerard B9 a écrit:an other bug to signal.

on my third season on pro tour mode I have 2 same goals with 2 different riders

win a pois jersey with Gautier and win a pois jersey with Pozzato :? 12.5 million in the toilet

That's nothing. I just had three riders that had the objective to be most combatative in the tour.


  • Messages: 102
  • Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2013, 23:57
  • Localisation: Spain

Re: Played PS4 version for 3 days but ... [Bugs]

Message10 Juil 2014, 00:53

What you can not see in Ps4 the distance that you are a sprint or mountain is very annoying as you can not figure out how to manage your energy in order to deal a sprint or a mountain. And more annoying is still with this accelerated scale, which leads to not being able to see exactly how far this goal, you suddenly see the 1km banner while the fire going as the Cavendish, Kittel ... , which causes a very abrupt arrivals goal with little time to maneuver.

Seb Reichenbach

  • Messages: 3
  • Inscrit le: 10 Juil 2014, 22:44

Re: Played PS4 version for 3 days but ... [Bugs]

Message10 Juil 2014, 22:54

That we cant change the captain/leader of the team is very bad.
Par exemple: team iam, chvanel is captain, when i simulate the race, frank works automaticly in the wind and has no protection. Chavanal is always protect.
But in real is frank the leader for iam team in gc


  • Messages: 109
  • Inscrit le: 17 Juil 2009, 22:13
  • XBox 360 Gamertag: Mikeeboy

Re: Played PS4 version for 3 days but ... [Bugs]

Message27 Juil 2014, 22:08

I'm having something a little strange happening playing a new game as Movistar. I put Valverde in yellow after stage 2 and since then I think, every time there's a break, it shows Valverde in group 1 even though he's in the peleton. So there's no gap to yellow shown at the top of the screen, and I can't assign anyone to protect him in the peleton.

First time I've seen this and I've been playing a lot.

Svend Rugaard

  • Messages: 139
  • Inscrit le: 29 Juin 2011, 15:28
  • Pseudo GameCenter: PSN : Nistelroy78

Re: Played PS4 version for 3 days but ... [Bugs]

Message27 Juil 2014, 23:20

Its a bug i allready haev posted with screenshot and it doesnt matter if he has the yellow jersey or not and its annoying because you cant say he should be protected because of that, and he is not reacting on couter-attack allways, only AI can auto protect him - first i thought it was because i was have using quintana also , but then i notice each time i got a rider in a breakaway he got that 1 group mark
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