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Topic questions réponses

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 91
  • Inscrit le: 13 Juin 2009, 12:50
  • Localisation: Lille
  • Pseudo GameCenter: AuRe59Ag2r

Re: Topic questions réponses

Message19 Juin 2015, 14:31


Quelqu'un aurait pour moi, pour PCM 2009, le fichier de désintallation : "unins..." exe . ?
Jje l'ai pommé de mes fichiers sans savoir pourquoi...

Ag2r and Cyril Dessel's fan
.: AuRé-59-Ag2r :: .: AuRe59Ag2r ::

EDN - Equipe du Nord


  • Messages: 14
  • Inscrit le: 24 Juin 2013, 16:01

Re: Topic questions réponses

Message08 Juil 2015, 15:39

To Eyolfur,

You helped me out a while back. I need you again:

I loved the way the new pictures were presented. There were pictures for i think over 90% of the riders.

Then today I opened PCM 2015 to find that every rider now is just the generic rider.

What can I do to fix this?

Did I mess up?

Do I need to download the entire game again, and if so, will I lose my saved games?

Please send answer to, as I might not be able to find it in this forum.

I love PCM 2015. Hope I can make it whole again.

vijnana PS I have some reason to believe patch might have caused this. Can another patch fix it?


  • Messages: 14
  • Inscrit le: 24 Juin 2013, 16:01

Re: Topic questions réponses

Message04 Août 2015, 13:24

WHY doesn't anyone answer any of our questions as to whether there will be another patch? Did the head man die? Are you all just giving up on serving your customers?

Please just give us SOME HOPE that you are working on all the problems we are bringing to your attention.

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