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[PCM 2010 PSP] Unlocking historic teams problem

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 39
  • Inscrit le: 12 Juin 2009, 16:45
  • Localisation: Allemagne/Germany/Deutschland
  • Pseudo GameCenter: Rin90

[PCM 2010 PSP] Unlocking historic teams problem

Message12 Mars 2012, 20:24


I have a problem with unlocking the historic teams in PCM 2010 for the PSP
I would like to unlock the Team Bianchi '03 and you have to win on Pro Milan - San Remo and Giro di Lombardia I guess

As I normally play on amateur, I tried to win both races on Pro in the "Classics" mode, it's very hard but I managed to do it but somehow the Team is still unlocked
At results on Pro, there is a 1. at Milan - San Remo and Giro di Lombardia so I would like to ask:

Do I have to do it in a career (in the same year)?
Or in 1 "game session"? (I mean with that, switching off the PSP would end the "session")
Do I have win both races with 1 sort of a team category? (Official, Historic 1, Historic 2) as I won Milan - San Remo with Mapei '00 (Historic 2) and Lombardia with Saxo Bank (Official)
Is there a way around to unlock it?

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