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How to install variants in PCM 2012

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 2035
  • Inscrit le: 23 Fév 2009, 15:36
  • Localisation: @Cyanide

How to install variants in PCM 2012

Message21 Juin 2012, 23:08

PCM12 comes with a brand new data-driven way of handling stages in both career and one-off stages and tour modes. This brings a few changes in the way the packs should be produced and installed, but it will eventually make the whole variant stage easier.

In the stage editor :

-Every stage created has to be exported with a stage name and a region. These parameters will be used later by the game.

In the database :

-Every race needs an unique and valid 'gene_sz_filename' field. Don't rename the original filenames and be careful when you add new races.

Bad behavior example : World championships
Do not name the road race top_world and the timetrial top_world_itt. As the two filenames share the same prefix, it will bring problems for the data. (the itt will be considered as a variant of the road race).

-Every Race ID has to be less than 1000, in order to fit in the stage ID nomenclature.

-STA_stage : there is no need to fill the STA_stage database with stage info anymore. Everything is data driven, so the only relevant info is the link with the calendar : IDstage/fkIDrace/gene_i_day/gene_i_month/gene_i_stage_number.
The stage ID is directly linked to the race ID. You have to respect the nomenclature : ID stage = IDrace + 1000*stage_number. So the 7th stage of the tour de France (ID 25) will be 7025.

In the filesystem :

-Every stage is installed on the CM_Stages folder in the PCM12 install path.
-Do not use the /Mod folder in My Documents, it is not working yet.
-Every stage in armada is played with the original stages of the game (including official free packs). If you make a lot of custom stages, i recommand you to create an alternative CM_Stages folder, in order to switch to the original one when you play armada, and your custom folder when you play solo or on friendly races.

Nomenclature :

-The variant is determined by the filename of the CDS file : [RACE PREFIX]_[NUMBER]_[VERSION].cds
[RACE PREFIX] : The race prefix is the gene_sz_filename of the Race.
[NUMBER] : Only for Stage Races. This is the stage number. First stage is always the stage '01' and the code has to be in two figures.
[VERSION] : Identifies the variant with either a year or any identifier.
-Every variant of the stage is playable in Stage/Classic/Tour Mode, so you can easily test your stages.
-On a stage race, it is recommanded to make a variant for every stages in the same [Version]. Otherwise the career will take a mix of different versions.

Rules for career :

-If a stage has variants, the game will automatically choose a variant for every season, depending on the [VERSION] of each variant.
-In year 2012, the game will automatically select the 2012 variant in the /CM_Stages folder. If there is no specific stage for 2012, a random stage will be taken among the variants.
-In Career mode, you can add variants anytime you want. The variant choice is done at the start of the season. e.g, if you don't have a 2013 variant on the 01/01/2013, it won't automatically update if you add a new 2013 stage. You can know which variant will be used by checking on the calendar.

Variant selection samples :
.CM_stages has c0_piemonte_2012, c0_piemonte_2014,c0_piemonte_test.
=> in year 2012, c0_piemonte_2012 will be taken.
=>in year 2013, there is no 2013 version so any version (except the previous 2012) can be taken, including the c0_piemonte_2014 version.
=>in year 2014, c0_piemonte_2014 will be taken, even if it was taken in 2013 too.
=>in year 2015, any version except c0_piemonte_2014 can be taken.

.CM_stages has t1_china_01_V1,t1_china_01_V2,t1_china_01_V3
=> Any version from V1 to V5 can be taken, except the previous variant chosen (the same version will never happen two season in a row)

Conclusion :

It might seem a little bit complicated but with some practice the rules are quite easy and natural. Don't hesitate to ask questions, or do some tests before changing years in career to understand the variant selection. You may test every season in career by changing the GAM_config_game_i_starting_year value and init a new career.


  • Messages: 2035
  • Inscrit le: 23 Fév 2009, 15:36
  • Localisation: @Cyanide

Re: How to install variants in PCM 2012

Message21 Juin 2012, 23:09

Si quelqu'un est dispo pour traduire en français, je suis preneur.
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Re: How to install variants in PCM 2012

Message21 Juin 2012, 23:29

Superb! - Official Danish Support Site
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Re: How to install variants in PCM 2012

Message22 Juin 2012, 08:41

Eyolfur a écrit:Si quelqu'un est dispo pour traduire en français, je suis preneur.

Si je trouve le temps mardi, je m'y collerais, mais n'hésitez pas à le faire avant moi !
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  • Messages: 584
  • Inscrit le: 13 Juin 2009, 02:25
  • Pseudo GameCenter: Kodat

Re: How to install variants in PCM 2012

Message22 Juin 2012, 19:19

Pas tout compris, mon anglais n'est pas encore au top ^^
Mais sera-t-il possible d'inclure une variante dans une carrière déjà entamée ou toujours pas? J'ai cru comprendre que oui mais j'prefère demander au cas où.
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Re: How to install variants in PCM 2012

Message22 Juin 2012, 22:01

Je voudrais bien t'aider à traduire mais malgré mon niveau d'anglais je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir tout compris :lol: En tout cas, pas simple cette histoire de nomenclature


  • Messages: 2035
  • Inscrit le: 23 Fév 2009, 15:36
  • Localisation: @Cyanide

Re: How to install variants in PCM 2012

Message22 Juin 2012, 22:04

Kodat a écrit:Pas tout compris, mon anglais n'est pas encore au top ^^
Mais sera-t-il possible d'inclure une variante dans une carrière déjà entamée ou toujours pas? J'ai cru comprendre que oui mais j'prefère demander au cas où.

C'est possible d'inclure une variante dans une carrière entamée. Mais si en carrière, saison 2013, tu ajoutes une étape variante top_tdf_01_2013 la veille du tour de France, ça ne fonctionnera pas. Le choix de la variant utilisée se fait au 1er janvier.

Après, il y a toujours moyen de corriger le tir en regardant quelle variant sera utilisée, mais c'est assez risqué.
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  • Messages: 584
  • Inscrit le: 13 Juin 2009, 02:25
  • Pseudo GameCenter: Kodat

Re: How to install variants in PCM 2012

Message22 Juin 2012, 22:24

Merci pour la réponse rapide :)
Reste plus que la traduction pour être sûr de ne pas faire de connerie.


  • Messages: 4
  • Inscrit le: 24 Juin 2012, 19:45
  • Pseudo GameCenter: Francesco

Re: How to install variants in PCM 2012

Message25 Juin 2012, 01:01

(Sorry if I ask in Eniglish but I can't speak French very well)

I'm here to ask you how to be able to play stages I created, because I can't find anything useful/clear enough to understand! Help would be really appreciated!


  • Messages: 2035
  • Inscrit le: 23 Fév 2009, 15:36
  • Localisation: @Cyanide

Re: How to install variants in PCM 2012

Message25 Juin 2012, 01:28

CavFra a écrit:(Sorry if I ask in Eniglish but I can't speak French very well)

I'm here to ask you how to be able to play stages I created, because I can't find anything useful/clear enough to understand! Help would be really appreciated!

You don't have to speak french, the section is FR/EN.

Tell me which stages you have created, for which race and destined to which variant, and i may help you.

Retour vers [FR/EN] Etapes / Stages

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