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[PCM2012] Questions

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 24 Juin 2012, 05:55

Re: [PCM2012] Questions

Message24 Juin 2012, 06:01

I just discovered this game from noticing the Steam advert. It looks like it could be lots of fun. The reviews I've read on older versions mention a certain lack of information. I've never played a cycling game and wonder if the game has tutorials and explanations for strategies and tactics. I don't mind a steep learning curve but need to know the information on how to play the game well is fairly easily available.
Thank you


  • Messages: 2035
  • Inscrit le: 23 Fév 2009, 15:36
  • Localisation: @Cyanide

Re: [PCM2012] Questions

Message24 Juin 2012, 12:19

Underbank a écrit:I just discovered this game from noticing the Steam advert. It looks like it could be lots of fun. The reviews I've read on older versions mention a certain lack of information. I've never played a cycling game and wonder if the game has tutorials and explanations for strategies and tactics. I don't mind a steep learning curve but need to know the information on how to play the game well is fairly easily available.
Thank you


Unfortunately there is no tutorial in the game. It is something that has to be fixed, but you can find help and strategies with the help of communities. There is a manual but, it is very minimal. You may find some youtube videos showing you how the game is played.

My first advice will be to start with playing single tours or classics, take the best rider you can find and try to do your best. You may put the gameplay option to 'Easy', which will slightly help you to discover the basics of the game. don't hesitate to 'pause' the game often, you can still give orders to your riders and see what happens.

Don't hesitate to ask questions, new players are welcome.


  • Messages: 2035
  • Inscrit le: 23 Fév 2009, 15:36
  • Localisation: @Cyanide

Re: [PCM2012] Questions

Message24 Juin 2012, 12:23

ronnygj a écrit:I have a question about custom teams. It seems like a custom team automatically becomes a continental pro team. Even if I set the orientation settings to a minimum budget my team become a continental pro team and not a continental team. This becomes even worse when my sponsors request me to participate in 1.2 and 2.2 races that are not available to my team because I am a continental pro team (This particularly happens if I have two different nations set as favored regions and my sponsor want's me to participate in 1.2 and 2.2 races from both regions/nations). I would very much like to play a custom continental (NOT pro-continental) team and race 1.2 and 2.2 races. Will this be available in a patch hopefully not to far away?

I think I announced that thing and I just realized it was an error. Every custom team starts in Continental Pro level.

There is a slight problem in objectives, as sometimes sponsors ask you objective to race you can not even participate (can be x.2 race or Protour races). I hope we will at least fix the starting division in the next patches.


  • Messages: 219
  • Inscrit le: 12 Juin 2009, 16:43
  • Pseudo GameCenter: jeppjepp

Re: [PCM2012] Questions

Message24 Juin 2012, 14:42

Is it possible to bring back the old profiles, both the design and the zoom in game? I find them extremely hard to read and it's not the same anymore. They are just like the ones from PCM06, and they are much better in the earlier versions.


  • Messages: 13
  • Inscrit le: 21 Avr 2011, 21:32
  • Pseudo GameCenter: Damiano-Cunego96

Re: [PCM2012] Questions

Message24 Juin 2012, 19:46

I have a question:What is important for getting the maximum of coins?

I did win a race with 3 riders on podium(7 human players in the game) and i got about 230 coins and in another race i got 11 in single(6/7 human players) and 6 in team(5/7 human players) and i got about 240 coins.

Why is it like that???


  • Messages: 5
  • Inscrit le: 24 Juin 2012, 14:33

Re: [PCM2012] Questions

Message24 Juin 2012, 20:42

Could you make it possible for the dutch and belgian people to buy cyans?
So we could pay with Ideal?




  • Messages: 5
  • Inscrit le: 25 Juil 2011, 19:51

Re: [PCM2012] Questions

Message25 Juin 2012, 15:39


I been playing the Career mode with a Custom team. I'm now in august and there has still not been a U-23 race.

The U-23 world-rankings and results are empty.

Is this a bug ? or only my game ?


  • Messages: 2035
  • Inscrit le: 23 Fév 2009, 15:36
  • Localisation: @Cyanide

Re: [PCM2012] Questions

Message25 Juin 2012, 16:33

Vittus a écrit:Hi

I been playing the Career mode with a Custom team. I'm now in august and there has still not been a U-23 race.

The U-23 world-rankings and results are empty.

Is this a bug ? or only my game ?


It is a known bug. We are working in a fix, and it should be fixed in a following patch.


  • Messages: 13
  • Inscrit le: 21 Avr 2011, 21:32
  • Pseudo GameCenter: Damiano-Cunego96

Re: [PCM2012] Questions

Message25 Juin 2012, 22:01


I've read that there are also some rare cycling cards of legends in armada mode?Is this true and if yes which riders are included?

Thank you :)


  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 26 Juin 2012, 19:15

Re: [PCM2012] Questions

Message26 Juin 2012, 19:21

How is it I open the database editor? I can't seem to find it.
I've played the games since 2006, and there's always been a menu when I launch the game where I can launch the DB editor. However, this time this menu doesn't appear when I launch the game, it just goes right in to the game. I bought the game with steam, does this affect anything? I also tried searching for "database editor" and "db editor" in my pc, but found nothing. Any reason to this?

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