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Next Update

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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Cyanide Team

  • Messages: 1468
  • Inscrit le: 23 Fév 2009, 15:36

Next Update

Message07 Juil 2012, 20:55

We are currently working on the next update which will be released for the second week of the Tour. Details of what is to come are below.

Update # 4

Available here :

These are the main changes and additions:

>> Armada

- Official teams playable in friendly mode. As promised, it is now possible to play friendly races with real teams. As for the use of custom databases in Armada, we prefer to wait until the next update to allow for additional testing.

- Faster! Races (except time-trials) can be speeded-up (x2 / x4) if a majority of players vote for it.

- It is now possible to play time-trial races. AI teams will not be present in these events, to avoid long waiting times. However it will require a certain amount of skill for those who have several good time-trial riders.

- Update of points formula (taking into account team ranking and correction of a display bug).

- As for "Coins" . . . : first off, we will abandon the old prize structure which returned a fixed amount calculated according to the distance raced, to which was added a variable bonus, depending upon the finishing position of the team. All players will now receive equal rewards based on the time spent within the race.

- Corrections to the chat.

- Number of players connected is displayed and a small icon will show if a player is in a game.

We will provide more information on this subject, as well as our plans for the coming weeks, in a future post.

>> Career

- Add the possibility to renew sponsors.

- Fixed problem with U23 races.

- Fixed a bug that could prevent, in some rare cases, getting beyond the world championships.

- Fixed problems related to youth races and renewing sponsors.

>> 3D

- Chapelle de Grammont added to "Isolated Buildings".


- Add the possibility to zoom the profile during a race.

- Colours added to race profile (in some menus, especially a zoomed profile) to distinguish differences in slopes.

- Corrections to the Detailed Simulation page.

>> Various

- Fixed a rare problem with a "server-side processing error" that could force a player to recreate a profile for each new connection to Armada.

To come

Without going into detail for now, here is an outline of what is to come (not exhaustive):

>> Additional content

- We are preparing a free pack of more than 100 stages which can be used in one-off races as well as in career mode. This will provide, amongst other things, a variant for each Grand Tour as well as for other stage races. There are also additional routes for the World Championships. This pack will be available free of charge and installation will be optional.

>> Armada

- New Feature: Collections. "Collections" (of riders) are rewarded as you progress towards completing them.

- Possibility to delete cards (to get rid of doubles, for example) in exchange for Coins.

- New team management content (rider contracts and equipment repairs).

- Display of the reliability of players (those quitting / not quitting races). Players considered as unreliable are no longer selected as "host".

- Other changes to the attribution of Coins & points at the end of a race.

>> Various

- Departure lists (Startlists)

- We are also aware of a compatibility problem between the Steam version and Windows XP (crash at the start of the loading bar of a 3D race) and we are working on a solution.
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  • Messages: 142
  • Inscrit le: 19 Juin 2010, 11:40

Re: Next Update

Message08 Juil 2012, 10:26

The changes sound good and definitely needed.

Looking in especially forward to the "To Come" part as some very important things are still there.


  • Messages: 2
  • Inscrit le: 23 Juin 2012, 16:22

Re: Next Update

Message08 Juil 2012, 19:33

Sounds promising. Was hoping the custom teams determined to be continental pro team would be fixed, but maybe there is still time to include that one.


  • Messages: 44
  • Inscrit le: 27 Juil 2010, 16:16

Re: Next Update

Message08 Juil 2012, 22:54

Any chance to reinclude information about the climbs (average slope and distance) during a stage? It's quite complicated to planify a stage tactic if we don't know if the last climb is 10 or 20 km, and not knowing if it's steep or quite easy. And that problems gets worse when the profile scale differs from stage to stage, contrary to what happened in old PCM versions.


  • Messages: 5
  • Inscrit le: 25 Juil 2011, 19:51

Re: Next Update

Message09 Juil 2012, 15:07

Sounds promising. Was hoping the custom teams determined to be continental pro team would be fixed, but maybe there is still time to include that one.

Really hoping for this fix to happen aswell.

But i'm looking forward to the next patches should improve the game a lot.


  • Messages: 8
  • Inscrit le: 21 Jan 2012, 20:54

Re: Next Update

Message10 Juil 2012, 11:18

Is there a date set for the 'To Come' part?


  • Messages: 5
  • Inscrit le: 25 Juil 2011, 19:51

Re: Next Update

Message11 Juil 2012, 12:37

Really nice update the game is much more fun now!..

hope the startlists will be fixed soon. Thanks for a nice game

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