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Problems in the installation

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Focus Team

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  • Messages: 1
  • Inscrit le: 24 Déc 2012, 01:03
  • Pseudo GameCenter: Manueme

Problems in the installation

Message24 Déc 2012, 01:17

I execute setup.exe, and after selecting the folder of installation and the folder of the menu initiate, it me appears that the game I list this one to install, but when I do click in following, me the mistake appears:

" internal Mistake: Failed to expand shell folder constant userdocs "

and the installation is cancelled.

Since I can solve this problem?

Problemas en la instalación.

Ejecuto setup.exe, y despues de seleccionar la carpeta de instalación y la carpeta del menu inicio, me aparece que el juego esta listo para instalar, pero cuando hago clic en siguiente, me aparece el error: "Error interno: Failed to expand shell folder constant userdocs" y se cancela la instalación. ¿Como puedo solucionar este problema?


  • Messages: 2035
  • Inscrit le: 23 Fév 2009, 15:36
  • Localisation: @Cyanide

Re: Problems in the installation

Message24 Déc 2012, 14:01

Which version of Windows are you using ?

It says that your "My Documents" folder is not found, and this folder is mandatory to install and play the game.

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