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Announcement: PCM World League

Modérateur: Cyanide Team

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  • Messages: 28
  • Inscrit le: 13 Juin 2009, 09:21
  • Pseudo GameCenter: RabenDK

Announcement: PCM World League

Message21 Mai 2013, 16:02


PCM World League
The World League is an international league with monthly tournaments between teams made up from 5 players. The league starts from July the 10th and the seasons lasts almost a year, it ends 11 months after it begins. June the 10th.
There's a league table where everyone can follow the standings in this prestigious league.

We know it might be hard to get around on PCMFreaks, because it's language is danish, so feel free to ask if you're in doubt of anything.

Requirements to sign up a team
Alle you got to do, to sign up a team is to fill out the formula given in the "Team Registration" forum. It takes 5 players to make a team. We hope these 5 boys/girls will stay together for a long time, for the team to have a chance of winning the overall standings and the prizes to come.

What if one person in the team don't want to be in the team anymore?
Then the team, and person is free to leave eachother. The team can then find a new person to fill out the spot or they may have to split if they dont want to play with each other anymore. Therefor it's important to make a team with someone you know you enjoy plaing with. Furthermore, it is an advantage to stay together so that you can train a lot more.

Any changes in a team's roster, must be reported, and accepted by a Crew member before the change can be made official.

Team roles for Track Racing
The roles for a team in Track Racing is as follows:

1 player is their individual sprint guy. Only this guy is allowed to participate in sprint contests. If the player can't show up for the event, another player is allowed to take his place in the particular tournament.

1 player is their 200 meter TT guy. Only this guy is allowed to participate in 200 meter TT contests. If the player can't show up for the event, another player is allowed to take his place in the particular tournament.

3 players for Keirin. Only these 3 players is allowed to participate in Keirin contests. If one, or more, of the Keirin players can't participate, the team is allowed to fill in from the rest of the team for the particular event.

The whole team participates in; Scratch, Elimination Race and Points Race.

All roles must be specified when the team signs up. It will also be specified in the teams presentation thread. The team should also choose a Captain. The Captain is the one guy who is in charge of the team, makes the calls if someone can't participate from the team. He's also the one responsible to make sure the whole team is ready for the matches at the time it's set to launch. He's the man behind the team.

When can i sign my team up for a tournament?
You will be able to sign your team up for a tournament 3 weeks before the event is set to start. The Crew for PCM World League will notify you on upcomming events in your respective forums.

You will also be able to see all the planned events for the season in the Race Calendar

Other information
If you have any problems or questions you're welcome to ask one of the following persons in the Crew:

Every team is free to make their own team presentation thread right here: Team Profiles Forum
If it's not made within a month, the Crew on will make a thread with the overall information of the team.

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If you got any questions you are more likely to get an answer at the General Talk forum at PCMWL: Questions & Answers

All communication relating PCM World League is in English. also seeks people who are used to online gaming and have some time to help out with the monthly tournaments, results and much more. If it sounds like a job for you, you can contact Raben on via private message or on this side, also via private message.


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