PCM17 is compatible with the latest Windows 10 version (Build 15063).
Please provide us a System Information report and the game log for investigation:
A. How to generate a System Information report:
1. Press the keys Windows Start (bottom left) and 'R' from the keyboard to open the 'Run dialog box' and type: MSINFO32
2. Click the button 'OK'.
3. Click 'System Summary' (upper left).
4. Click 'File' then 'Export...'.
5. Enter a file name (from File name:) and save the file on the Desktop (click Desktop under Favorites, upper left).
6. Close System Information.
7. Right click on the file located on the Desktop and click 'Send To' then 'Compressed (zipped) folder'.
B. How to find the game log (file 'Pro Cycling Manager 2017.log'):
1. Open 'Windows Explorer' or 'File Explorer' from the taskbar.
2. Click 'Documents' under 'Libraries' or 'This PC'.
3. Open the folder 'Pro Cycling Manager 2017'.
Send the System Information report (compressed .zip file) and the file 'Pro Cycling Manager 2017.log' in attachment with a description of the problem to: