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A problem with my game TDF 2017

Modérateurs: Cyanide Team, Console Staff

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  • Messages: 5
  • Inscrit le: 12 Mai 2018, 19:06

A problem with my game TDF 2017

Message12 Mai 2018, 22:07

Hi guys,
I hope you can help me to fix this problem,
I was playing on MyTour versus mode yesterday and I wanted to save my progress during the stage but everytime I clicked save it just did nothing, I closed the game hoping that I would still have my automatic savings, opened it again and I found that it seems I have no progress at all, I've been playing since it came out, I even bought it on pre-sale so I have a lot of progress in the game. I decided not to care about it so I tried to start a new game in Tour mode and I coudn't because when it should ask me to pick a slot to save the automatic progress it seems like it couldn't reach it, it doesn't recognize the saving slots (I supose). The thing is I want to play this game and i can't and of course I'm expecting TDF 2018 so I can buy it at soon as it arrives but this makes me sad because I can not play anymore, what if it happens again with TDF 2018? My PS4 system still has my savings and my trophies and the rest of the games are alright so I don't know what is happening, I reinstalled the game and It didn't work so I hope you guys can help me with this.



  • Messages: 56
  • Inscrit le: 15 Juil 2016, 09:09

Re: A problem with my game TDF 2017

Message13 Mai 2018, 00:31

Hi mate ,

I don't know what you have to do , I had the same problem with TDF 16 and I had to delete the game files , but I am not sure it will fix your problem .

Anyway, you should try to speak about that in the "tour de france Technical support " section ...


  • Messages: 5
  • Inscrit le: 12 Mai 2018, 19:06

Re: A problem with my game TDF 2017

Message23 Mai 2018, 09:24

I already managed to fix it, it seems to be a problem with sony not the game, people are losing their progress in some games but it seems to be random.

I just erased all the data excluding my profile info, the correct names and other edition files that I had and something called objectives which I'm not sure what that is but it worked, I could not recover any other progress in Gour mode, Pro team and MyTour because they were created using the Legend difficulty and it is locked at the veginning of the game so it would crash. It is the solution you'll lose your progress but except for the pro team I think is not a big deal,

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